Looking For Some Best Practices for Virtual Performances on Digital Stage?

Hi everyone,

I am diving into the world of virtual performances and looking for advice from those who have worked on the Digital Stage platform. What are the best practices for making the most out of it, especially when collaborating with performers from different locations: ??

Here are a few specific questions I have ::-

  1. Audio/Video Sync: How do you ensure that there’s minimal lag between different performers during live sessions: ?? Any specific settings or tools you use: ??
  2. Audience Engagement: What are the best ways to interact with the audience in real time while keeping the performance flowing smoothly: ??
  3. Tech Challenges: What are the most common technical issues you have encountered and how have you overcome them: ??

I would love to hear your experiences and tips to make virtual shows as seamless and engaging as possible. I have also read this blog https://onthestage.com/blog/7-easy-ways-to-improve-your-virtual-performance-flutter/ but looking for more tips and advice.

Looking forward to learning from this community !!

Thanks in advance !!

Derek Theler

Welcome, Derec!

Lip Sync is less important than LOW latency of audio. Ultra low latency Video is still local only, so it was more important to have both as fast as possible than to wait with audio on the lagging video.

We optimized our digital-stage.org code to have nothing between source and sink that is not essential, and to optimize network and server code for speed.
Any soundcard settings must be optimized for low blocksizes and buffers, that means optimizing our OS and kill all background apps.

The audience is treated similar than the artists, just in another group. Since we don’t use echo cancellation and all musicians have in ear/headphones, feedback is a problem.

The tech problem #1 was router config for peer to peer streams - only the gamer community accepts figuring this out, and many education IT departments will not solve this for our users.
We built a server based infrastructure with constantly optimized buffer sizes, and since its located inside the data center at the internet hubs, its as fast as it can be.