This is an awesome forum, how could I have missed this so far! Just wanted to drop here a note that in 2019, after lots of experience using Jamulus, I developed my own solution and open sourced it. I didn’t find the time to create much documentation because I was busy with work and also another OpenSource project I am working on, but here is the link:
I am interested in technical discussions on how to achieve an „optimal“ online Jam experience, given the real-life Internet that we have. My band uses the JammerNetz since 2019 on a weekly basis with great results. End-end latency across Germany is about 45-60 ms, depending on jitter buffer size.
My design choices were:
- no audio compression (the Opus codec drove us away from Jamulus)
- multi-channel upstream
- ultra-low latency UDP protocol
- fixed buffer size
- stateless server
Using C++ and JUCE you really don’t need a lot of lines of code to get something working cross platform on Linux, Windows, Mac. The project isn’t really finished, but when you are willing to host your own server in some cloud instance, it really works nicely.