Hi all! First of all, I am a very enthusiastic fresh new user of the ov-box project and I am very curious about the new musical experiment we’ll be able to do with such a neat integration of signal processing and network programming So first, thanks a lot to all participants in this great project
issue [NEW]: when I connect my ov-box via ethernet cable the other people in the room hear a very distorted sound from me while is not the case when I connect via mobile data sharing.
It is the contrary that what I had in mind… I thought the bandwidth was not sufficient in reception, but it appears that the problem comes from the transmission of my sound when using the Ethernet connection. However, surprisingly the internet connection performance is very good when doing a speed test on [geschwindigkeit.de]
I continue investigating if the my home router could be the reason…
… after few tests I have not found why my sound is sent with distortion when connecting via the ethernet cable. Maybe it has no importance, but the feedback in my headphones (with reverb from the room) is not distorted.
All the best,
Emmanuel Roux
************************ OLD POST BELOW *************************
When I (say user A) and a friend of mine (say user B) connect to a room on orlandobox [dot] com, my friend (user B) hear a very distorted sound while I (user A) can hear a perfectly clear sound.
My (user A) setup is the following :
- ov-box (Installed with Image = firmware version : ovclient-0.5.51-c251a83)
- 4GB raspberry Pi 4
- focusrite (S2i2 3rd ed.)
- Ethernet cable connection (fiber with very good performance Anschlussgeschwindigkeit - Speedtest - www.geschwindigkeit.de)
My friend’s (user B) setup is the following :
- ov-box (Installed with Image = firmware version : ovclient-0.5.51-c251a83)
- 8GB raspberry Pi 4
- other great sound card (sorry I don’t have the reference)
- Ethernet cable connection (fiber also with very good performance up/down rates both > 100 MB/s, and jitter < 1 ms)
I’ve tried several configurations with several hardware (raspberries on both side, raps+linux client) and the common thing on all distorted signal in reception was that the receiving bandwidth was halved (even though the internet connection is of high quality) resulting in about 50% package lost (seen from my linux client outputs on the terminal).
I could reproduce the distortion by doing the following :
connect a first ov-client through ethernet while the other is connected through mobile data sharing. The later (network via mobile data) was systematically receiving at a rate divided by (more than) two. Swapping the USB audio devices had no impact on the results.
- raspberry 4 (connection via mobile data sharing). sending: 0.89 MBps, receiving: 0.39 MBps CPU load: 14.1%
- raspberry 4 (connection via ethernet). ending: 0.89 MBps, receiving: 0.89 MBps CPU load: 10.3%
I also had the opportunity to repeat the experiment thanks to the help of Petra Fiene who had the patience to investigate with me this situation (thanks again!). Again, I could hear a perfectly clear sound while on the other side the sound was received distorted… we tried the server mode (instead of the peer-to-peer mode) with no clear improvement. By the way, the receiving bandwidth was also halved by a factor of approximately two.
The positive thing is that it works very well (no distortion on any side) when using both devices on the same local network.
I would be very pleased to give any additional information to help find the distorted sound… and potentially find an explanation on the reduced bandwidth in reception compared to the sending one (strange asymmetry…).
Thanks for your attention !
All the best,
Emmanuel Roux