TASK: Adding and streaming more than one audio channel with a multic channel USB interface using the OV BOX
SETUP: Scarlet 8i6 3rd gen (eight in / six out) at Rasberry Pi (OV BOX)
Modify your soundcard settings with your internet browser on box.orlandoviols.com
„Show device settings“
„Audio device settings“
IGNORE - select preset please
„Add channel“ - „system:capture_1“ is refering to the first input channel of your USB interface
„Add channel“ - „system:capture_2“ is refering to the second input channel of your USB interface
„Add channel“ - „system:capture_3“ is refering to the third input channel of your USB interface
„Add channel“ „n“ times for adding further („n“) input channel of your USB interface
if all channels are located at the same position, then it is more efficient to transmit only a down-mixed channel
to transmit a down-mixed channel, you may use a regular expression as a port name, e.g. „system:capture_[123]“ to transmit the first three channels, or „system:capture_(1|4|11)“ to transmit channels 1, 4 and 11.
The fields for x, y and z position are meant to create the spatialization of your setup. For example, if you are using a stereo amp output and a microphone for vocals, you may position your vocals channel close to your headphone, and the two amp channels shifted to the left and right:
mic: x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 (or use preset for vocals)
amp left: x = 0 y = -0.7 z = -0.5
amp right: x = 0 y = 0.7 z = -0.5
This will put the amp to the left and right side and half a meter below your head.