3D Audio at digital-stage.org

With digital stage, you will soon be able to use also 3D Audio features. We are collaborating with TU Cologne and with Orlando Viols, who are both experts in 3D Audio. We are planning to offer 3D Audio as soon as possible also with the Browser solution of digital stage in order to enhance the immersion of dance and theatre rehearsals and performances online.

1 „Gefällt mir“

I am in BBC Maker Box, offering great tools and a vivid community.

„The Technology of Binaural Understanding“
Great Book from the amazing Jens Blauert, with whom I had the pleasure to spend one evening.

Also very interesting, Ben Supper did a great talk on spatial audio and microphone recordings at last years virtual Audio Developer Conference 2020, the talk is on his page for free as a video: https://supperware.net/2020/11/19/adc-2020-spatial-audio/

2 „Gefällt mir“

Who wants to join Audio Engineering Society conference or the 3D audio academy Immersive Audio Academy 3 - AES

Some terms and definitions

Spatial Audio Formats:
Runtime Spatial Audio Implementations: